Circulation Desks

Circulation Desks For Libraries, Schools & Museums

Canadian Learning Supply furnishes many kinds of academic institutions with supplies to meet their ever-growing demands. From bookshelf dividers to library circulation desks, our excellent supplies help students, faculty, and information-seekers of all kinds to make the most out of their pursuit of knowledge. 

Whether you’re searching for provincial or elementary library circulation desks, we’ve got just the product to fit any library space you can imagine. Our desks are painstakingly crafted with an eye toward the abuse we think they’ll see over the year—students aren’t always the gentlest, and all those books aren’t light! 

No two library information desks are built alike, but our wide range of sturdy storage solutions, including desks for library and academic use, are sure to streamline your customer service experience.

Searching for elementary library circulation desks? We’ve got just the product to fit any library space you can imagine. Our desks are painstakingly crafted with an eye toward the use we think they’ll see over the year—students aren’t always the gentlest, and all those books aren’t light! 

corner units for colorscape® circulation desks

A Finer Point of Entry

cabinets for demco® liberation™ circulation desk
cabinets for demco® liberation™ circulation desk

 Library circulation desks are the entry point by which visitors will engage with your library proper. Often, that circulation desk is the first thing visitors see when they visit your library, and when they must engage with your library staff, they do so up at the very same desk.

With library circulation desks being such a focal point, it’s important to make them as attractive and functional as possible. These are vital points of service within a library (including school libraries) or museum, after all. Your customers and your members will conduct business at this desk, but just as importantly, so will your staff. You need a sturdy desk that meets their needs, giving them plenty of space and comfort to deal with the public every day.

Canadian Learning Supply provides a range of circulation desks and related storage and space-managing solutions, suitable for any space, large or small. Our solutions include transaction counters to facilitate sales and customer service, as well as mobile desks designed to reconfigure depending on the institution’s curriculum.

demco® mobile modular circulation book return
demco® mobile modular circulation book return

Accessories for the Enthusiastic Academic

book carts for colorscape® circulation desks

We also create a variety of add-ons for our desks, including cabinet booths and book carts. Understanding the importance of proper flow may begin with the humble library circulation desks, but it extends toward proper categorising and archival of a library’s supplies. We offer front-loading and traditional-style shelving units for work with elementary library circulation desks and our partners. 

Our mobile information welcome centres are great for displays and can easily adapt to any events your library may host. Corner pieces and mobile file cupboards help you save space without losing storage area, which is critical in a library. Many of our pieces come in different colours to help you find one that blends into your space, with height-adjustable units that are easy to tailor to your specifications.

demco® technolink® mobile info kiosks

For All Learners

Canadian Learning Supply works with a range of industries to provide our circulation desks and storage options where they are needed. If you have a question, feel free to contact us and find out what kinds of desks and accessories are right for your space.