Book Display, Library

3 Tips for Creating an Awesome Kid’s Book Display in Your Library

With so much technology affecting kids’ attention, you must find ways to get your students interested in non-virtual media. If kids aren’t excited about their school library or only use the media center instead of searching the bookshelves, it’s a good idea to improve your library book displays. Many children have different interests and learning styles, and it’s essential to try to
appeal to that.

Obviously, with a whole school full of kids, it's likely impossible to thrill every student with each kid’s book display, but you can find out how to create exciting bookshelves that inspire the love of reading in most children. That will increase their imagination and help them learn. It’s not enough to have a wide selection of books in your classroom library for your students to choose from if they’re not looking at the shelves when they’re in the library.

A well-thought-out book display shelf will encourage students to read and get them excited about reading. For those students who are more reluctant, it might help to create an exciting kid’s book display to get them interested. Here are some suggestions for display ideas.

Add Posters Around the Display

Kids respond to visual media, so use the book posters or other exciting images you find for display around your bookshelves. If your school has library classes, a fun activity would be to have students design their own posters with ideas from the books they’ve read and then add them to the kid’s book display.

Master The Art Canvas

Pick the Right Books that Spark Creativity

Children’s books are so creative that you might have too many choices. From fantasy to non-fiction to funny school-themed stories, you’ll find plenty that will be popular with kids—select colorful books with exciting titles that get attention and spark interest.

Find the Perfect Shelves

Awesome Kid's Book Display

You might think that the bookshelves are unimportant, but they can become what gets kids eager to find out what’s on the shelves. Find bright, colorful bookshelves that get attention, and use display boxes and labels to add to your book display shelf.

Creating a kid’s book display filled with various books that you change frequently will interest your students, and they will feel engaged and excited whenever they visit the library. Canadian Museum & Library Supply has a great selection to choose from if you want ideas.

After you’ve finished your display shelves and selected tons of books that your students will be thrilled to read, make sure that you keep things interesting by updating your book displays.

When you can, get the students involved in this. If you’re ready to build your book display shelf, we can help. We provide schools, museums, universities, and library supplies in Canada. Our wide selection includes an array of bookcases, posters, displays, and much more.